During the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, keeping everyone safe is our top priority.
We are temporarily limiting guests and volunteers at the facility. This means family groups and family visitation may be disrupted. It also means that all outside volunteer groups will not meet, at least until the end of March and we can reevaluate the community situation. We ask for your patience during this time.
For essential visits, we ask that anyone with active symptoms of COVID-19 not come on the property. Symptoms include fever, cough and difficulty breathing, as well as other upper respiratory symptoms and diarrhea. If you exhibit symptoms while on the property, staff may ask you to leave the facility.
As a precaution guests may not enter any Santa Maria facility until 14 days have passed without symptoms since your travel outside of Texas or close contact (within 6 feet for 30 minutes or more) with a person confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus. We will ask any guests who do arrive with these circumstances to depart the facility immediately.
Visitors and guests will be asked to follow health protocols including hand washing and sanitizing all bags that are brought on the property.
Finally, we will not be taking unsolicited donations during the immediate future.
Thank you, and we look forward to returning to normal operations in the near future.
Santa Maria Hostel