“She’s a real coach, with natural ability to lead,” says Amelia
Murphy, Director of Recovery Support Services (RSS) of Deborah
Uselton. Deborah has joined the Peer Recovery Coach team
here at SMH this year after 15 years of active drug abuse and a
seemingly never-ending cycle of addiction and incarceration. A
life of trauma and chaos was slowly transformed through the
work Deborah did under the guidance of her mentor and coach at Santa Maria.
Her changes began with a visit from Kim to her jail cell. There, Deborah understood
the hope of Kim’s long-term recovery message. She wanted that for her own life and
through hard work and laser focus, she made recovery her reality. Today, she is an
employee of the RSS team working at the Harris County Family Intervention Court,
inspiring others to a life of possibilities. She is a woman in long-term recovery with
a mission and a purpose. She is the face and the voice of RecovHERy as well as a
proud member of the recovery movement.