Our sincere gratitude goes out to the large group of volunteers from ConocoPhillips that came to our Jacquelyn Residences as part of their Day of Caring on Wednesday October 12, 2017.
They did a terrific job and were able to accomplish so much. The painting projects included the laundry room, the large dorm for our Emergency Shelter clients and our perimeter iron fence. They also organized and cleaned three large sheds and maintained five large flowerbeds. On top of that they were able to make signs to decorate the campus for Halloween!
“It is amazing what 60-70 people can accomplish in a few hours,” said Spencer Sharp an Associate Engineer from ConocoPhillips. And he added: “In addition to the physical accomplishments, I think we all enjoyed getting to hear and see a little insight into those women’s lives. I am glad we were able to help them out in a small way”.
Santa Maria and the women we serve appreciate everything that you did.